Saint David's Church
221 Market Street, Tomball TX
Sunday Worship 10 a.m.

St. David’s Reformed Church is located in NW Houston (Tomball) and is affiliated with the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches.

We believe that the Bible is God’s holy and infallible word and that it is the ultimate rule of faith and life.

Our doctrines and convictions are based on historic Protestant orthodoxy as summarized in the historic Christian creeds and Reformed confessions.

As evangelicals, we look forward to the day when the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. We believe that every thought will be brought captive to Christ as we live faithfully in our families, communities, and nation.

Visit us on Facebook for announcements, sermon links, and more!


Our liturgy is based on heavenly worship as described in Scripture. We sing psalms and hymns, confess our sins, and share communion every week. We believe that communion is a weekly renewal of our fellowship with God and with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Communion is open to all faithful, baptized trinitarians (including children).

Immediately after worship, we have a brief time of fellowship, and then a Sunday School class (all ages) is held from 11:30-12:15. On the last Sunday of each month, instead of Sunday School we have a singing and prayer service. This is a time to learn new songs and share prayer requests. Please join us!


Our beliefs and practices must be founded upon the written word of God. We strive to conform every area of life to the Scriptures.


Worshipers must worship in spirit and truth. We follow a biblical and historic order of worship, performed with joy and vigor.


God's grace includes his work in baptism and communion. We practice paedobaptism and paedocommunion, with communion served weekly.


Saint David’s worships at the Tomball Community Center in Tomball, Texas (221 Market Street). Parking lots are available in the front and back of the building, in addition to street parking. Please join us at 10 a.m. on Sundays!


Our pastor, Adam McIntosh, will be glad to answer any questions or provide any information you might need. Please call him at 281-803-8691 or email him at

Our mailing address is P.O. Box 2034, Tomball, TX 77377.
